Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Bed and Breakfast Experience


Sometimes I marvel at how I arrived in Guanajuato, Mexico, with so little Spanish and with so few cultural skills.  

I believed I was ready to live in "real Mexico" and to cut the ties from this informal but very secure situation. 

I had a good guy who helped me out, a lot, when the frequent confusion of trying to adapt to a new culture overwhelmed me. 

I had no clue when I moved here that so many have been silently moving into the Marfil area of Guanajuato and buying up property. 

Nor did I know how many well-laid plans were in effect to buy up housing in the city with the intent of renovating the properties and turning a profit by opening 
Bed and Breakfast Guanajuato or reselling the newly remodeled house at a hefty profit. It's happening. People are flooding into Guanajuato.

Even if you are just planning on living here to try it out, maybe rent a lovely little villa or casita, stuff goes wrong and hits the fan.

A city in Mexico where no Gringolandia has existed is not going to have that well-honed Gringo infrastructure the other cities have. How the Gringo is treated in a city accustomed to a large Gringolandia and how they are treated in a city like Guanajuato that has a small but developing Gringolandia, will be as different as night and day.

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